How To Survive a Bathroom Renovation: Tips, Tricks, and Insider Secrets
I’ve lived through four bathroom remodels that ran the gamut from simple fixture updates to complete gut renovations. My most recent bathroom renovation was a down-to-the-studs rip-out-and-redo that went off without a hitch, thanks to a good deal of planning on my part and to an excellent contractor.
Of course, my husband and I benefited from living in our old home until the new one was ready, an ideal situation that’s not an option for everyone. But I’ve also experienced the flip side: the “live-in” renovation, where the bathroom in question was the only bathroom—not a walk in the park!
Whether you’re renovating multiple bathrooms or your one and only, and whether you’re living in the home or not, here’s what you need to do to survive a bathroom renovation.