Chunky pompon hat placed on a small toy house on a green lawn covered with pigmented autumn leaves.

Winterizing Your Home

Chunky pompon hat placed on a small toy house on a green lawn covered with pigmented autumn leaves.

As much as we all may be enjoying these last lingering warm days, winter weather is fast approaching and freezing temperatures will quickly follow.

Before the first freeze, it’s important to do a few small things to prepare your home:

● Shut Off Outside Water – If you have hose bibs, be sure to turn off the water source from inside your home, and disconnect your garden house. Additionally, turn the faucet on outside and let the last bit of water drip out. This prevents water from freezing from the outside in and causing burst pipes. Believe it or not, we have seen “frost-free” and “freeze-proof” hose bib succumb to the winter temperatures. While they may freeze in December or January, often the results won’t show until the spring or summer when you go to use that house.

● Monitor Your Home’s Thermostat – If you’re planning to travel or be away from home for an extended period of time, take advantage of smart devices that allow you to check on your thermostat and the temperature of your home. We have unfortunately seen too many cases where people travel for the holidays, the power goes out or something goes with their HVAC, and by the time they return home, pipes have frozen and burst, resulting in water damage all throughout their home. If your house has some age to it, like mine, have a friend, neighbor, or relative drop by and check on things while you are away.

● Windows & Doors – While most houses today have insulated windows and doors, if your home is older, check for outside gaps around the framing and caulk them prior to winter. This prevents airflow and can make a huge difference in energy efficiency during the cold winter months. Additionally, if you notice drafts around your door, it may be due to an old or missing weather strip. These can easily be replaced and you can pick up a new one online or at your local hardware store.

● Water & Electric Lines – Other areas to check on the inside of your home would be where water lines or electric lines lead to the outside. In this case, we would recommend a limited-expanding foam spray, which is available at pretty much any home improvement or big box store.

These small steps don’t require a contractor – you can do them yourself and they make a huge difference! But if you do need help or have questions about other winter preparation (especially roof leaks!), feel free to get in touch.